STEM Presentation Opportunities in Club Meetings
At club meetings we give members the opportunity to present technology-related topics they're passionate about, ranging from electronic repair to tech life hacks, computational problems, and more!
Interested in presenting for volunteer hours? Sign up here: we'll get in touch with you for next steps.
Speaker Events – STEM Career Talks
We also host STEM Career Talks, inviting college students and professionals to give students a firsthand look into potential STEM careers. Our speakers talk about:
Personal Journey – description of their high school/college experiences and what eventually prompted them to pursue their field
Description of their work or subject with their major in college and their internships/jobs
Cool Projects they've worked on (to give attendees insight on what they might get to do in that major)
Advice to 8th-12th graders (what to do if a middle/high schooler is interested in your field and how to find their passion)